Tuesday, May 28, 2013

More Photography!

I'm gradually learning better techniques for taking pictures of my items and I'm trying to listen (and retain!) when someone suggests something.
So, using a piece of leftover granite from our recent house build, I decided to switch up the background, since I'd previously been using a wood piece.

Anyway, so, here are a few of my original pics with the new improved, taken in natural light, versions alongside.. I also added in an additional photo in Etsy with a reference item, a suggestion from a friend of mine and I think it was a good one!

Blue bubble pendant (old - left, new - right)
Gold leaf pendant (old - left, new - right)
Also, here's a tip for anyone out there looking for background options for small item pictures - home improvement stores sometimes have free samples of hardwood and laminate flooring. They're great for this!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Pendant Developments...

As everyone has seen, I've been making some pendants using an etching technique and have been somewhat limited by the availability of suitably small craft punch shapes I can use to mask off the glass from the etching cream. So, I decided to treat myself!
I just ordered this little beauty!
It's a Silhouette Portrait and I got a great deal on Overstock. They even gave me a $15 credit because apparently coupons don't work on 'electronic' items. Nice, huh?
So, what does this do? Well, it's similar to a Cricut, but, instead of only cutting the images on a cartridge (which are pricey) and inevitably have a ton of images on them I don't want, this little one enables me to design my own and also use logos, which could open up a whole heap of opportunities! Instead of cartridges, Silhouette has an online store from which you can download images in smaller quantities for much less money. Perfect.

In other news, my little room floor is now epoxied and I can now start putting some actual furniture in there. Woohoo!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


We've just moved to a new house and it's pretty exciting for a few reasons. We're hoping that it will be our last move for a while and since we did a custom build, I was able to add a little 'playroom', just for me!
Anyway, here's a pic!
Obviously there's a lot of work to be done on it before it can be productive! Next on the list are epoxying the floor (don't want any flooring in a glass room!) and replacing the baseboards.

After that, I'll start adding in some shelving and workbench space.
Now I just need to finish unpacking the rest of the boxes...