I've been seeing a lot of cute chunky fall knits around lately. I particularly like the cowl / scarf type ones. This got me thinking - what would make some of these super cute (especially the handcrafted ones) items stand out from the crowd is the buttons they feature!
Whilst on my little jaunt to the glass wholesalers last week, I found a mold - for buttons!
So, I decided to have a go at fusing some!
I used browns and white, as well as some clear frit (small glass pieces) to complement the season.
Mixed frit in the mold, ready for firing! |
First firing result! |
I then decided to flip the buttons and refire them to give them a little more of a regular shape - it's always a little bit of a challenge to know *just* when to run the cool down with a new mold...
And voila! Here is the fired result! I think they look pretty cool.... (and this from a girl who refused to wear buttons as a child - and I *still* won't do plastic ones... :) ) They're available in my Etsy store
here as a set of four and
here as a set of 2.
I just love how they're all unique - now to expand with some other colours! Got any suggestions? Leave me a comment!
On a backing card - ready for shipping! |